Console Commands
WickedWhims features dozens of useful commands that are available for all users. To see the full list of commands, open the Commands Console in the game by pressing the CTRL+SHIFT+C keys on your keyboard.
Type in the “” command to display The List of Commands.
You can scroll up and down the list of commands with the scroll wheel on your mouse. Every command is placed under a category that is related to its purpose.
If you want to learn about commands syntax:
Certain commands have arguments, they are values that you might need to provide to use the command. These values are always placed after the command, separated by a space.
Usage of angle brackets (‘<‘, ‘>’) indicates that an argument in the command is required. You cannot use that command without inputting that argument.
Usage of square brackets (‘[‘, ‘]’) indicates that an argument in the command is optional. You can ignore it if you don’t find it necessary to input it.
When a command asks for a Sim first name and last name, but that Sim has a space in their name, use the underscore (‘_’) character in the places of the spaces.
Commands Dump (2023-03-14)
ww.fix - Runs fixup functions for mod features to resolve potential issues.
ww.fix_sim_nude_outfit - Fixes Sim native nude (bathing) outfit.
ww.fix_all_sims_nude_outfit - Fixes all Sims native nude (bathing) outfit.
ww.fix_sim_outfits - Fixes Sim outfits identifiers to avoid conflicts.
ww.fix_all_sims_outfits - Fixes all Sims outfits identifiers to avoid conflicts.
ww.clear_animation_clips_cache - Clears all animation clips cache data.
ww.set_animation_sorting_types <live/playlist/disabler> <type1, [type2, ...]> - Sets animations sorting types for provided menu type.
ww.set_penis_size <length> <girth> <testicles> [<sim_first_name> <sim_last_name>] - Sets Sim penis size length, girth and testicles size.
ww.get_hard <seconds_duration> [<first_name> <last_name>] [condom] - Makes Sim penis get hard for X number of seconds.
ww.get_soft - Makes Sim penis get soft.
ww.force_stop_all_sims_pregnancy - Stop all Sims pregnancy.
ww.remove_condom - Remove stuck condom from active Sim.
ww.stop_sex_effects - Stops all running/stuck visual effects from sex.
ww.clear_sex_props - Stops all spawned/stuck props from sex.
ww.reenable_sims_pubic_hair - Attempts to Re-enable all Sims dynamic pubic hair.
ww.reset_premade_peeping_sims - Resets existing premade peeping Sims.
ww.stop_all_sex - Stops all running sex.
ww.disable_ambiguous_animations - Disables all potentially gender ambiguous animations.
ww.dump_installed_animations - Dumps a list of all installed sex animations into an external file.
ww.commands - Lists all WickedWhims user commands.
ww.add_peripheral_traits - Displays Peripheral Traits addition dialog.
ww.remove_peripheral_traits - Displays Peripheral Traits removal dialog.
ww.cheat_stripclub_points <amount> - Cheats Strip Club points.
ww.stripclub_disable_dancing_tiredness_cheat - Irreversible cheat to disable Strip Club dancers tiredness from dancing.
ww.set_stripclub_bar_markup <value> - Sets Strip Club bar drinks price markup.
ww.set_stripclub_bar_supply <amount> - Sets Strip Club bar supplies amount.
ww.set_stripclub_bar_supply_capacity <amount> - Sets Strip Club bar supplies capacity.
ww.set_stripclub_dancers_employee_limit <amount> - Sets Strip Club dancers employee limit.
ww.set_stripclub_janitors_employee_limit <amount> - Sets Strip Club janitors employee limit.
ww.stripclub_hire_dancer_sim <first_name> <last_name> - Hires Sim as a Strip Club dancer.
ww.stripclub_hire_janitor_sim <first_name> <last_name> - Hires Sim as a Strip Club janitor.
ww.set_stripclub_employee_pool_size <amount> - Sets Strip Club available number of Sims to hire (default: 51).
ww.set_sim_statistic <statistic_name> <value> - Sets Sim mod statistic.
ww.reset_sim_statistics - Resets all Sim mod statistics.
ww.give_birth_pill - Gives active Sim a birth control pill.
ww.give_birth_pills_box - Gives active Sim a box of birth control pills.
ww.set_nudity_skill <level> - Sets Sim Naturism/Exhibitionism skill level.
ww.set_global_nudity_skill <level> - Sets all Sims Naturism/Exhibitionism skill level.
ww.remove_global_nudity_trait - Removes all Sims Nudity Enthusiast trait.
ww.convert_to_exhibitionism - Converts Sim Naturism skill to Exhibitionism skill.
ww.global_convert_to_exhibitionism - Converts all Sims Naturism skill to Exhibitionism skill.
ww.remove_exhibitionist_trait - Removes Sim Exhibitionism trait.
ww.remove_global_exhibitionist_trait - Removes all Sims Exhibitionism trait.
ww.set_desire_level <value> - Sets active Sim desire level.
ww.give_condom - Gives active Sim a condom.
ww.give_condoms_box - Gives active Sim a box of condoms.
ww.clear_sweat [<first_name> <last_name>] - Clears sweat from Sim.
ww.clear_all_sweat - Clears sweat from all Sims.
ww.apply_sweat [<first_name> <last_name>] - Applies full sweat to Sim.
ww.force_miscarriage - Force active Sim miscarriage.
ww.unlock_custom_spells - Unlocks all custom spells.
ww.set_base_body_hair - Set Sim natural hair color.
ww.turn_into_doll - Turns active Sim into porcelain doll.
ww.undo_from_doll - Turns active Sim back from porcelain doll to human.
ww.give_sim_peeping_npc_trait [<first_name> <last_name>] - Gives Sim the NPC Peeping trait.
ww.spawn_peeping_sim - Spawns a Peeping NPC Sim.
ww.spawn_creep_sim - Spawns a Creep NPC Sim.
ww.gender_preference <hetero/homo/bi/none> [<sim_first_name> <sim_last_name>] - Changes Sim gender preference.
ww.preference_hetero <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be heterosexual.
ww.preference_homo <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be homosexual.
ww.preference_bi <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be bisexual.
ww.preference_random <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims to be a random sexuality.
ww.preference_neutral <percentage> <all/male/female> - Changes given percentage of Sims have no specific sexuality.
ww.reset_sim_persistent_boredom - Reset active Sim persistent boredom.
ww.set_major_personality_archetype <archetype> - Set active Sim major personality archetype.
ww.set_minor_personality_archetype <archetype> - Set active Sim minor personality archetype.
ww.reset_personality_archetype_lock - Reset Sim overridden personality archetypes.
ww.restart_sex - Restarts all running sex.
ww.clear_lube [<first_name> <last_name>] - Clears lube from Sim.
ww.get_sex_autonomy_location_styles_chances - Display sex autonomy location styles chance values.
ww.test_computer_solo_sex_autonomy - Run computer solo sex autonomy.
ww.test_tv_solo_sex_autonomy - Run computer solo sex autonomy.
ww.force_sex_autonomy - Run basic sex autonomy.
ww.force_solo_sex_autonomy - Run basic solo sex autonomy.
ww.test_sex_autonomy - Diagnose basic sex autonomy.
ww.test_sex_autonomy_sims - Diagnose basic sex autonomy Sims.
ww.test_sex_autonomy_locations - Diagnose basic sex autonomy locations.
ww.evaluate_sex_autonomy_style_locations <location_style> - Evaluate and display sex autonomy location style locations.
ww.sim_sex_room - Diagnose room the active Sim is in for basic sex autonomy.
ww.force_cuck_sex_autonomy - Run cuck sex autonomy.
ww.dump_log - Dumps all remaining logs to the file.
ww.test_protocols - Displays which Sims Protocols are currently active.
ww.set_cas_part <body_type> <cas_part> [color_shift] - Sets CAS part of Sim outfit.
ww.set_outfit <outfit_category>:<outfit_index> - Changes Sim outfit.
ww.display_outfit - Displays Sim outfit information.
ww.display_outfit_tags - Displays Sim outfit tags.
ww.display_body_data - Displays Sim body information.
ww.random_sims_underwear [force] - Randomizes all without underwear Sims underwear. Include the 'force' argument to randomize all Sims underwear.
ww.display_sim_attractiveness_view - Display played Sim attractiveness view of all other Sims.
ww.display_all_sims_attractiveness_view - Display attractiveness view of all Sims towards played Sim.
ww.apply_cum <face/chest/belly/back/lower_back/vagina/butt/feet> [<first_name> <last_name>] - Applies cum layers to Sim.
ww.clear_cum [<first_name> <last_name>] - Clears cum layers from Sim.
ww.clear_all_cum - Clears cum layers from all Sims.
ww.global_revert_outfits - Dresses up all Sims that are naked.
ww.test - Hello World!
ww.time - Displays current in-game time.
ww.enable_interactions_run_listener - Enables run interactions listener.
ww.enable_interactions_queue_listener - Enables queue interactions listener.
ww.enable_interactions_outcome_listener - Enables outcome interactions listener.
ww.push_interaction <id> <target> - Pushes an interaction to active Sim.
ww.play_effect <effect_name> [joint_name] - Plays a visual effect.
ww.play_sound <sound_name> - Plays a sound effect.
ww.create_object <guid> [inventory] - Spawns an object.
ww.regenerate_attractiveness_rarity - Regenerates rarity values of attractiveness traits.
ww.display_attractive_traits_rarity - Displays rarity value of attractiveness traits.
ww.set_user_var <variable_name> <variable_value> - Set User Config variable.
ww.reset_user_var <variable_name> - Reset User Config variable.
ww.reset_all_user_vars - Reset All User Config variables.